From subjective to objective

MAAT app

the MAATapp

Our digital reporting

Our security officers generate daily reports. Before the MAATapp was created, this was done by hand and on paper. The result was that the head office was buried in thousands of reports from different security officers in different locations. It was impossible to distil good analyses from this unwieldy heap of documents.

This important information had to be digitized. So, the MAATapp was born! Now all daily reports produced by our security officers are entered into a special app. Information can now reach us in real time and can be retrieved and analysed. This allows our clients to have analyses performed upon request so that they know precisely what is happening on their premises and so that they can be informed about the progress of security operations.

From subjective to objective

Thanks to the app we have been able to make the subjective nature of our security officers’  assessments more objective. One can see all that has happened in the last month or the last year. Our security officers record all tasks performed during their shift in the app, including any relevant things that have happened.

Our digital reporting

Tailor-made service

In 2017, almost 7000 thefts were registered. We would never have had this number if we had continued working with paper-based documentation. It is not only information about deficiencies that can be found; the app also reports information about things that do not immediately come to mind, such as missing children in shops and verbal aggression. Everything is documented and made transparent.

Optimising the service provision constitutes the basis of the MAATapp. Customers can draw our attention to points of improvement and we can then advise on unsafe situations or an unsafe store. Much insight can be obtained from the kinds of actions that are carried out and the time at which this is done. This gives us the opportunity to tailor our service to suit our client’s needs.

Tailor-made service

MAAT Connect: Effectieve communication with our employees

We have also developed an app for effective communication with our employees.

MAAT Connect is a private and secure platform that enables us to reach and engage every single one of our employees. Effective communication with all our employees directly creates higher productivity and employee engagement.

MAAT Connect: Effectieve communication with our employees